Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Unusual Visitor

So here's a breakdown of the picture I did for the stream last night for any of you that missed it.
Originally this was gonna be a 30 minute spitpaint, but after about 25 mins in I thought 'well, I could fix that pose, or play up the old lady's design and go to town on the whole thing' ...so I did! 
I spent a bit of time on the linework; I wanted to have a bit more of a solid environment than some of the other work I've been doing lately, as well as play with the design of the old lady.

I started using a thinner line for my inking, which has thrown my scripts out of whack so there was a LOT of painting back into the flats. Next time I'll just work A3 and double up my brush if my computer can handle it. At least that's the boring bit over!

I did some quick lighting studies; originally I wanted to have the strong downlight with the lamp providing some rimlight but folks in the stream liked this version. Reallllly fast and loose, and definitely my favourite bit of the whole thing.

LOTTTTTS of rendering. The bug was fun; I haven't really painted that many insects before so it was a fun challenge.

 Some  texturing to finish it off...was a lot of fun to use floral patterns I'd usually balk at. But yeah, a lot of fun. Hope you like it!

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